Dave Brasells


United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Pleasant View, TN
Nashville Fire
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
USAR TN Task Force !!, FF II, Fire Instructor I, Fire Officer I, Fire Inspector I, Flashover Instructor, BLS Instructor, EMT-IV
Topics you provide training for:
FF I, II, Flashover Simulator Instructor, Extrication, Firefighter Survival & Rescue Member Middle Tennessee FOOLS and Training Trustee for Mid TN FOOLS
Areas of expertise:
Fire Fighter Survival & Rescue
BA degree in Radio & TV Broadcasting 22 years as a photojournalist/producer
Married 20+ years with two daughters and a son.
Love to train, hunt deer, grill and those that love the same!
Web site:

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  • Todd McKee

    Welcome to the greatest on line training site in the WORLD! Feel free to take a look at the HazMat Group called HAZMAT NEWS & TRAINING, I would love to see what your thoughts on some of our topics.
    Todd McKee
  • Jamie Barnes

    Do you know what time RIT training is going to be on the 31st? I looked on the FOOLS website, but it didn't give details. Where, when, what to bring...
    Jamie Barnes
  • steve lloyd

    as a fire and rescue service we are looking at our ladders, in particular the 9 meter ladder that is a 2/3 person pitch. i'm interested in the type of ladder you use that is comparable but can be carried and pitched by 1 person. can you give me some details please. love the training videos, something we dont seem to do much here in UK