Kevin Schroeder

, Male

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Wrenshall, Mn
Cloquet Area Fire District
District Fire Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Staffing and training. To include ongoing employee development in all classified positions.
Professional Qualifications:
A.A.S. Fire Technology & Administration
B.A.S. Fire Adminsitration
IFSAC Fire Officer
NFPA Firefighter II
NFPA Fire Instructor III
Public Safety Diver
Commander, Technical Rescue Team
Tactical Paramedic
Topics you provide training for:
Vehicle Extrication
High /Low angle Rope Rescue
Confined Space Rescue
Wildland Firefighting
Areas of expertise:
Structural Fire Suppresion
Advanced Life Support
Technical Rescue (Vehicle Extrication, Rope and CSR)
Dive Rescue Specialist
"Just because I wouldn't do it that way, does not make it wrong!"
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  • Richard Michitsch

    Since you have expertise in Technical Rope Rescue I wanted to run something by you and get your opinion.
    My department had our Annual Confined Space recertification recently and had an interesting scenario.
    We had a victim in a sewer 40 feet from the entrance, with a 15 foot drop down the h***. We set up the teams:
    -Entry Teams : One entry team of 2 members and One backup team of 2 members using two air cart entry systems. Each team had an assigned air monitor member to manage the carts and hoses.
    -Rigging teams: One team to set up the tripod (also used to manage the entry), one team to set up a 4-to-1 rig and one team to set up a 3-to-1 backup system.

    The original plan was to have the entry team use a change of direction in the h*** and utilize a 3-to-1 system to move the packaged victim (in a stokes basket) to the edge of the h*** and transfer the stokes to the 4-to-1 extract the victim out of the h***.
    The instructor made an interesting comment and suggestion:
    -Instead of utilizing a 3-to-1 have the entry team set up a 2-to-1 by anchoring the line end to the entry ladder of the sewer, connecting the pulley to the stokes, and bringing the running end of the line back to the entry point. Then have the two rescuers pull the victim to the opening and transfer the stokes to the 4-to-1 to remove the victim.
    It worked very well, the entry team didn’t have too much to do setting up the haul system (because it was easy). No re-set necessary with a 2-to-1.
    Positive, Negative, Any thoughts?

    Don't BE the next one, BE safe!
    Richard Michitsch
    Schering-Plough Fire Department
  • Ben Fleagle

    Kevin: I'm a little out of my element in being asked to trust some chunks of mettle welded together for my safety. Here's what I'm dealing with.--

    I have been asked to research the requirements for establishing some anchors in the 4' thick concrete base of a satellite dish. The rescue scenario requires a 3:1 to raise the victim off his tether, and traditionally we have used the front of an engine as an anchor point. The satellite folks are willing to install pre-fabbed anchors into the cement around a 30' x 30' base which is the support for the satellite pedestal. The aim is to provide an anchor where there currently is not one, and remove the engine from the play.
    The idea presented for the anchors shows a 3/8" steel plate with welded brackets of 1/4" steel, 14" high, with holes for establishing soft connections. Everything is re-enforced with 1/2" stock and held to the concrete with 8 3/4 x 6" bolts.

    Here is my question: I asked for some guarantee that these anchors will hold over 10,000 lbs tensile strength, and I really didn't get much of an answer. Do you have any experience with this kind of issue, and have you seen better ideas?

    Thanks for whatever response you might have time for.

    Ben Fleagle
  • Ben Fleagle

    Without being able to send a picture of the situation, I didn't figure on a lot of detail, but you've put your finger on the point. I'm trying to make sure we don't use "duct tape" on this thing. So I asked for time to get some opinions from those who get to do this more often then we do, and to my astonishment the answer was yes.

    You've been more help than you think. We can have the satellite folks fabricate anything we want, but the issue seems to be an engineer. I managed to get them to pursue one engineer's opinion (haven't heard the result yet), but he's a structural engineer. I need some concrete back up for what I know in my gut is too critical to whip up on a Sunday and install on Monday.