Tim Zehnder

57, Male

McCook Nebraska

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
McCook Nebraska
McCook Fire
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
I see all types of issues with what I do, bigest being lack of training in small depts. They don't think it will happen them so the training has not been a top issue with their departments.
Professional Qualifications:
EMT , Trench Tech., Rope Tech., Fire Inst. I Fire Fighter I & II
Topics you provide training for:
Areas of expertise:
RIT Firefighter Survival are my passion, and EXPERT is not the word I would use. I feel I am always a student and if you stop learning it is time to get out.
I have been in the fire service since 1990. I am the Director of Fire Science at McCook Community College. We provide fire training and consultation to fire departments in the upper mid west. I am a firefighter with the McCook Fire Department. I retired from the Truman Fire & Rescue Dept. since after 21 years. I have also work for the US Forest service as a Squad Boss in Idaho. I have been teaching fire training for the past 18 years with a great amount of time spent on RIT and Firefighter Self Surival. I am the State Advocate for the Everyone goes home program. I have 3 girls ages 17, 13 and 8 they keep me running. I am a hunting Freak and love the outdoors.

Comment Wall:

  • Paul Combs

    Thanks, Captain! Sharing my work with others is the greatest compliment I can receive.
    Take care,
  • Pete Melnick

    Nice elk, where'd you bag him?
  • Bill Duffell

    I subscriberd to Fire Engineering newsletter a while ago and then they sent me an invitation to join the training community so i did. Have not used it much.
  • Christopher Naum, SFPE

    Hey Cap.
    Thanks, hope to talk w you soon...
  • Dan Walker

    Hey Tim,
    Did you get my email on that anchor we used and the price?
  • Dan Walker

    Hope your enjoying time off. Sent you a website of a new tool they were advertising at FDIC. It is on the market and pretty cool. Check your work email.
  • Dan Walker

    Tim, Where did you get that desender in your Rit bag? I have a new kit all put together, but I woould rather buy one like you have instead of an 8 plate. Thanks Dan
  • Angela Little

    Things are going good. Race was very good...better then last year.
  • Angela Little

    Been going good. Been working at the track and trying to find a full time job on my days off. We have been running steady which is good cuz I love it and wish we ran more. How have you been?
  • Dan Walker

    We are good, it has been a busy summer, my father in law took our family and my wife's sister's family to Disney for 8 days, so that was our vacation. Otherwise, I have been teaching a lot. Sometime I would like to make a trip up to see your Trench simulator. We are thinking about building one. Stay safe. Dan
  • Dan Walker

    Send me some hotel info when available. I will make the trip and bring a few with me.

  • Dan Walker

    The firefighting is slow down here so there is an important question to ask, are the Ducks and Geese moving yet? If you have a place to go I can make arrangements to come up.

  • Angela Little

    When you having that fire school that you were telling us all about?
  • Angela Little

    Hey what brand of helmet cam do you have? Thinking about getting one for training and to mess around with.
  • Angela Little

    Hey can you get me the actual link cause I can't find it or get it to work.
  • John F. Sullivan

    Thanks Tim. I will pass along your regards.
  • Angela Little

    Working a Marshalltown Hospital as a Unit Secretary.
  • Angela Little

    Check out this site... http://www.thebattalion.tv/
    Its a website that does Webisodes on fire and ems depts in West and East coast and soon some in the midwest. Think its from the same ppl who used to have a show on the Boston Fire Dept on the History Channel.
  • Tony Tricarico

    Welcome Tim, Anytme you want to get into some training, just let meknow.
  • Richard B. Gasaway, PhD


    Thank you. Nice to hear from a fellow Minnesotan. I'd like to extend an invitation for you and and other firefighters from your department/area to attend a program I am teaching in Blaine called "Fifty Ways to Kill Your Brother" and "The Fire Service Perfect Storm." You can get additional information at my website, www.RichGasaway.com. Let me know if you have any questoins or need any additional information. Hope to see you there! -- Rich
  • Tony Tricarico

    Hi Tim,
    Yes, I travel throughout the US training on FF Survival, RIT, Spec Op's and a few more subjects. If you would like me to come out there for training, give me a call at 631-514-1291. Thanks
  • Dan Walker

    Just got back home from the Iowa Instructors conference, I took the train the trainer for Courage to be Safe, Pretty powerful presentation. It really made me think again about our safety. Are you hunting the whole weekend?
  • Dan Walker

    I had discussion with my boss today, I think he was getting Iowa fire instructor of the year tonight at the banquet, But I had to come home for a b-day party, can't miss those. Anyway I think he agreeded with me and we need to make a trip up and see some of your cool props.
  • Dan Walker

    Hey nice pictures, in the one of you five guys, is that guy on the top left Mark, from Peosta College in Iowa
  • Dan Walker

    Sorry, can't make it. My oldest son starts Basketball the 10th of January and runs through 3rd weekend of March. Done just in time for FDIC.
  • Dan Walker

    Hey Tim, How did the deer hunt go? Have a great Thanksgiving!
  • Rick Kolomay

    Tim, great to hear from you partner. Hope all is well in the land of lakes!
  • Sean Stumbaugh

    Hey Tim,

    Wow, another Zehnder in the Fire Service! I work with a family of brothers who are Zehnders. Their dad wad a volunteer with us and 4 of the 7 boys all work for our department. We also have one of their nephews on board.

    I dig the hunting pictures! Take care Brother and I'll tell the Z boys I met one of their long lost cousins on the net!

    Sean, Cosumnes Fire, Elk Grove, CA.
  • Dave Gallagher

    What's going on Big Guy? Just keeping warm over here. Tell your Dad I said "Hi". The W6 memorial ceremony was very exceptional. Hope you get out this way to see it.
    Be Safe Brother
  • Barry Aptt

    I forgot what I asked, but I will accept anything you would like to offer. I have been well schooled in RIT recently and instruct it at our State Academy.
  • Barry Aptt

    Tim, I just went back and checked on what I asked Mark. I did ask him about the FDNY Technical Rescue/SOC requirements. Does your FD have Specal Operations and if so, what are your requirements?
  • Barry Aptt

    I see you are close with Dave G. I don't know him well but I saw hik flaoting around at the funeral of Lt. Kevin Kelly in Boston. It was a cold day.
  • Dan Walker

    Hey Tim, I will be checking into FDIC Wednesday afternoon, maybe we could hook up and visit one of those nights. I not going home until Saturday. Stay warm man!
  • Barry Aptt

    Massachusetts. I have been to some truck training with Dave and Jim Dugan. Yes I agree .. great guy.
  • Dan Walker

    We are staying at the Candlewood suites close to the airport. I not going to make it up for Fire School my son has B-Ball. Seeya at FDIC. Dan
  • Chris Borchardt

    tim, those pics are from ice fishing last year on upper red the notheren is 42 inches and about 22 pounds ringo's crappie is 15 inches and about 2.5 pounds. by the way wfd's xmas party is sat if you are around
  • none

    Hi Tim - kind of new on this network and just noticed your name...I said to myself...hey, I know that guy! Just saying hello! Me and Brian had fun with you guys! Can't wait until next year!
  • none

    Yes about FDIC so find us! I'll let you know what the booth number is.
  • none

    this will be my 4th year attending and i look forward to it!
  • Chris Borchardt

    it is at the legion in welcome and any one can come.
  • Tom Froehlich

    Thanks, I've looked at fire engineering for a long time but only just found this part of it. I think it will be a good place for ideas and such.
  • none

    Hey - funny I'm just getting this today! I'll tell Brian to call ya! I know he was talking about you a short while ago...it's goin ok! Are you a member of South Central EMS by any chance?
  • Lou Angeli

    Tim -- the pic shows R28 at a mutual aid job with the city of Wilmington, I spoke to a few of the officers at Station 28 and it's being replaced with a Rescue Pumper. Saw plenty of work in this county, that's for sure.

  • Lou Angeli

    Tim -- if you want the larger version of this pic, send me an email address or go to the following link http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3183/2549173857_945bf172b2_o.jpg