Jiri Boudnik



Czech Republic

Profile Information:

Lives in:
volunteer fire department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
people falling asleep with a lit cigarette in bed
Professional Qualifications:
worked for 6 months at Ground Zero as an engineer (I am a professional architect), along Brooklyn Squad 252 and other boys.
Topics you provide training for:
fireproofing of supestructures
Areas of expertise:
high rise design
Boudnik studied at The Cooper Union. Post school he worked as a structural engineer on several high-rise buildings in Manhattan, for Ysrael Seinuk, professor of Structures at The Cooper Union and a leading authority on high-rise reinforced concrete structures. From 1999 to August 2001, Boudnik he as a Project Manager for J.A. Jones Construction, a large construction company, building NYU Palladium, the new NYU dormitory and sports center, followed by the construction of the Federal Courthouse in Brooklyn, next to the Brooklyn Bridge. On the morning September 11, 2001, Boudnik wanted to warn rescue teams of a potential collapse of the WTC Towers. Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge on foot, he reached the WTC site too late. In the early hours of the next day, he helped recover bodies and began surveying surrounding buildings for collateral damage. Within days, Boudnik started developing a series of 3D physical models of the “aftermath” WTC site as a communication tool for all the rescue and recovery teams involved. With friends he went on to make the most accurate 4D computer model of the WTC site, working from original drawings of the buildings and a vast archive of data he collected at the site. Since then, Boudnik has worked as an architect, specializing in high-rise residential buildings in Manhattan. He’s recently relocated to Pilsen, Czech Republic.

Comment Wall:


    Hello Jiri,


    Thanks for the Invite! Sorry I don't know who the FF is with the 911 tat - It is very cool though. I would speculate that the names on his back are from the company or house he's assigned to - Probably close friends. You could try to track down where those fallen brothers were from and than contact that station or company for further info.


    Good luck and best regards to you and your Department,
