Stephen Mickiewicz

, Male

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Wantagh, N.Y.
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Rescue technician
Haz mat tech II
National fire Inst. Level II
Petzl Exo certified trainer
Topics you provide training for:
Firefighting operations
Firefighter removal
Petzl Exo personnel escape system
40 y/o, married, also teach with Fire Ground Technologies.

Comment Wall:

  • Bob Foley

    Steve, Just wanted to say thanks again for all your help and a great class in NJ
  • julio reyes

    sorry i donĀ“t speak ingles, somos un grupo voluntario en el puerto de Veracruz, Mexico, y nos han informado que en Estados Unidos hay lugares que donan vehiculos de emergencia nosotros deseamos obtener ambulancias tipo III para dar un mejor servicio en el Puerto de Veracruz, agradeceria toda la informacion que nos puedas dar, Tanks you.