D'Arcy Kennedy


Cranbrook BC


Profile Information:

Lives in:
Cranbrook, BC Canada
Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services
Training Coordinator
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
Emergency Scene Management
Firefighter Survival skills
Fire behavior Identification
Succession Planning
Professional Qualifications:
NFPA 1001 FF I & II
NFPA 1021 I & II
NFPA 1041 I & II
Auto Extrication I & II
Confined Space Ops
HazMat Tech
Ice Tech
Swift Water Tech
Rope Rescue Tech
Topics you provide training for:
All the above
Areas of expertise:
Still learning
Service with Kelowna Fire as an auxiliary for 5 years as well as Cranbrook Fire for 3 before becoming a career firefighter in 1996. Promoted to Training Coordinator in 2010

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