John Aldrich

48, Male

North Bend

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
North Bend Or
North Bay Fire
Training Officer / LT
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Top issues in your department:
1. Bridging the training gap between generations.
2. Administration understanding of the need for more progressive training
Professional Qualifications:
Firefighter 2, Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate, Wildland Fire Management, NFPA Instructor, Hazmat, Building Construction/Fire Protection, Fire Tactics and Strategies, Fire Communication, Air Craft Fire Protection, Supervision and Leadership, Water Supplies, ICS, Fire Prevention and Inspection, Fire Investigation, Auto Extraction, Apparatus Operator
Topics you provide training for:
Apparatus Operator, Firefighter I, CPR Instructor, Basic Wildland Fire Management, Hazmat Awareness, Hazmat Operations, Fire Tactics and Strategies(MCTO-P), Fire Communication, Water Supplies, Auto Extraction, instructor 1.
16 years in fire and EMS. 12 years as a fire service instructor. 5 years as LT / Training Officer.

Comment Wall:

  • Greg Wyant

    Welcome Brother I am sure you will find lots of good tips here. And hope you join in and share some of your tips with us. Stay Safe!!
  • Jim Saladin

    Anything you have about the ammo would be helpful...I've searched the internet but did not find any conclusive testing.

    Capt. Sal