Gary Barham


Kannapolis, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
level 2 fire Instructure, live burn instructure, Haz Mat ops, USAR, D/O, EMT, structural collapse, trench, confined space.
Topics you provide training for:
Ladders, fire control, forcible entry, ventilation.
Areas of expertise:
SCBA, fire control
I started my career much like the rest of the nation as a volunteer fireman in a combination department. I started my paid career in a combination department on the western side of Greensboro called Colfax. I stayed there for two years and moved to the east side of Greensboro for 3 years. I worked for Guilford county EMS part time for seven years. I explored my options to several different departments in the Northeast and remained in the south. I work for I believe a very well organized and very experianced department in the south. I work for the Charlotte fire department in N.C. I am currently assigned to sta. 11 and we cover a very diverse part of the city. At our station we are part of the USAR task force for the city and the one of the state teams. I have a wife and son that I charish. I am looking at continuing my education with a four year degreein fire administration and looking at going to nursing school.

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