Michael M. Dugan


East Northport, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
1 Joseph Court
Captain Ladder 123
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Topics you provide training for:
Truck Company operations
Leadership and the Company Officer
Fire Attack
Areas of expertise:
Truck Company Operations
Fire Attack
Michael M. Dugan is a 24-year veteran of the FDNY, serving as the Captain of Ladder Company 123, in Crown Heights Brooklyn. He is also a former volunteer firefighter, in the Halesite FD. He has been involved with the Fire Service for 32 years. He was an instructor at the inception of the FDNY’s Annual Education Day and has developed programs currently taught to all FDNY members during Annual Education Day. He is a “HOT” instructor at the “FDIC.” Captain Dugan has been a featured lecturer around the country on topic dealing with Truck Company Operations and today’s fire service.
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  • Billy lewis

    Captain Dugan,
    I just wanted to tell what a great experiance it was for me to be around yourself and your crew this past weekend. It truely was a honor for me. I learned a lot and have already shown my crew what I learned.
    Thank you again
  • Brian Rowe

    Cap, thanks for the add. You've been one of my "go to" guys on training topics for as long as I can remember. Hopefully, one day we can meet up and I can finally take one of your HOT classes. Come on down to Chucktown anytime...
  • Mike France

    Captain Dugan - I watched you keynote speech from FDIC and i was recharged with my passion for Firefighting, thanks

    Mike France, Chief