In the night of january 21 2006, the capt. Marleau of the Montreal fire dept. died after being surprised by a "white smoke "explosion. The Montreal fire department has made an impressive resarch on the causes of this fire and the White smoke explosion. They even reproduce in laboratory the appartment where the fire occured and reproduced the explosion.
Last sunday on Découverte à scientific the tv show on Radio-Canada - the french CBC counterpart - the presented they showed the results of their search. It's in french but there are some good views of the white smoke explosion they reproduced.
If you're intrested you'll find the link on my blog. The link is on the post entiteld: Le reportage de l'émission Découverte.... posted sept 23. You can click on the title and it should bring you there.
My blog adress is:
Saludos Teniente Pascal desde Guayaquil Ecuador permitame presentarme soy el Bombero Pagado Alex Acosta y pertenezco al Benemerito Cuerpo de Bomberos de Guayaquil estacion 5 compañia 14 mi sueño es tener amigos bomberos del mundo aprender de sus tecnicas de extincion de incendios ya que el fuego es el mismo creo que aprendiendo mas cada dia podremos manejar mejor las emergencias del dia a dia ahora estoy en casa pero mañana vuelvo a mi estacion esperando pueda contar con su ayuda que sera bien aprovechada para mis compañeros de usted atentamente Alex Acosta
Hola Tnte Pascal deseando que este bien en union de familia y amigos disculpe no escribir mas seguido este par de semanas anteriores he estado sumamente ocupado me llamaron al reentrenamiento primero en la academia de Bomberos de Guayaquil posteriormente tuve una semana de entrenamiento tambien en la academia de incendios en edificios altos con los Instructores de Houston EEUU tengo tanto de aprender del combate de incendios favor necesito mas informacion de incendios en edificios altos y de tuneles ya que no conozco del tema trate de ingresar a su blog post pero no pude seguire intentando gracias por contestar a mis lineas de usted atentamente alex acosta
Martin Duchesne
Sep 23, 2009
Pascal Marchand
In the night of january 21 2006, the capt. Marleau of the Montreal fire dept. died after being surprised by a "white smoke "explosion. The Montreal fire department has made an impressive resarch on the causes of this fire and the White smoke explosion. They even reproduce in laboratory the appartment where the fire occured and reproduced the explosion.
Last sunday on Découverte à scientific the tv show on Radio-Canada - the french CBC counterpart - the presented they showed the results of their search. It's in french but there are some good views of the white smoke explosion they reproduced.
If you're intrested you'll find the link on my blog. The link is on the post entiteld: Le reportage de l'émission Découverte.... posted sept 23. You can click on the title and it should bring you there.
My blog adress is:
Sep 23, 2009
Ben Fleagle
I'm interested in what you wrote below about "white smoke", I'll check it out.
Sep 23, 2009
alex acosta
Sep 30, 2009
alex acosta
Nov 25, 2009