Ben Marler

Franklin, TN

Profile Information:

Franklin Fire Dept.
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
It's difficult to give new guys a real idea of how live fire really behaves. We have an excellent gas burn facility, but we're lacking in class A burns. We have to work harder to provide these guys with a better understanding to prepare them for the real deal.
Professional Qualifications:
FF I&II, A/O, Instructor I, Officer I, Safety Officer, High Angle/Rope Tech, Swift Water Tech, EMT
Topics you provide training for:
SAR, RIT, Truck & Engine Co Ops, Drags & Carries
Auburn (AL) Fire Division-2 yrs
Southwest (AL) Vol. Fire Dept.-6 yrs.
Franklin (TN) Fire Dept.-13 yrs.
1-Source Training Consultants-Instructor
Member-Mid-Tenn FOOLS
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Geoff Manfre

    I like you Ben.Your real neat.
  • Ted Smith

  • Ted Smith

    He pays for services with good training and influence, well, in training.
  • Michael Pardue

    Yeah. Now I know how everyone feels when I go off o a HazMat rant and they look at me funny.
  • Shawn Donovan

    Well thank you.. its good to be here brother FOOL
  • Clay Mackey

    You must have see the picture Pardue had the other day. NICE!
  • Shawn Donovan

    Well thanks. Maybe we can recruit some more members with the group page.

    That is the definition of northern sarcasm.. actually its the art of saying something with a smile and having someone not know if your serious or if your kidding. Can be described as hardheadedness. Actually the hardheadedness is more of skin thickener expertise ahhaah
  • Ben Fleagle

    Hey Brother:

    Enjoyed your question and discussion, thought we ought to be introduced. Will I see you at the FOOLS Convention in Seattle?
  • Ben Fleagle

    Many things are the same, and true, there is much that is unique. We are more comfortable fighting fire in the winter than in summer. We are not accostomed to thinking about keeping cool and are sometimes overwhelmed by hot days. Having begun my career in South. Ca., I wonder how I ever survived in 100 deg. + weather. I think our biggest challenge is that we are basically without any code enforcement when it comes to the majority of our response area and the same for the vollies near us. There is one fire marshal's deputy for the entire northern half of Alaska. I'd actually like to pursue getting another category of building construction introduced to the firefighting population. We call it Class 6. We haven't got a name yet, maybe "mulitple type" construction or "unidentified" would work.

    Talk to you again soon.

  • Chad Berg

    Allright Ben,

    I'm keeping my eye on you brother! What's this "Go Team Piss Brick" stuff about. Half of team piss brick isn't even showing their faces at the 3rd Annual FOOLS Grand Prix at the FOOLS convention.
    The Puget Sound FOOLS drive dirty, fast, and illegal if need be. We shall repeat our victory.
    I'm watchin' ya brother!
  • Aaron Heller

    Hey Brother,
    Things are as hectic as ever here in Jersey. Lot's of small fires, but nothing too crazy or out of the ordinary. No complaints. Just trying to stay a float and keep the brothers focused through another hot summer. Stay Safe,
  • Chad Berg

    Will do brother!
  • Ben Fleagle

    Brother: UFD was never intended to become what it has. Our students earn a full time wage as firefighter's and can stay in the dept. as long as they are earning a 2.0 and taking at least 6.0 credits. With an entire half of town to tend to, turnover can be a serious issue for us. The rewards are awesome though, as we and the students contribute together in providing our state with the leadership needed for the future. Alaska is one big small town, we have fewer people than a L.A. suburb, but there's enough action to provide these guys great on the job training. Problem is the area is growing and our budget isn't. We need things like permanent drivers and a mid level company officers.

  • Erron Kinney

    thanks bro i will visit one of these days what station are you at now?
  • Todd McKee

    busywork bro!
  • Ben Fleagle

    Hey Brother:

    I've been swamped with stuff to do lately and haven't been as prompt on the community as I normally am. Go ahead and send me his info, it would be good to see what there doing down there.
    Most university departments have dried up or been absorbed. The only reason we haven't is our location and the fact that we are responsible for a county area containing a good 20 - 22,000 people. So when we have student shortages, hurts.
  • Paul Combs

    Thanks, Captain!
  • Ben Fleagle

    Hey Ben:

    That is exactly why I wrote those words. I'm glad it hit the mark for you, it does my heart good to know that. Take care of yourself, Brother. I love that, "a mild come apart". Perfect understatement!

