Kirk Allen

62, Male

Kansas, Illinois

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Kansas, Illinois
Kansas Fire Protection Distirct
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
Mandatory training
Professional Qualifications:
Retired AF, Chief Fire Officer, Hazmat, EMT
Topics you provide training for:
Suppression, Hydraulics, RIT, Grain bin Rescue
Areas of expertise:
none :)

Comment Wall:

  • Rick Lasky

    Hey buddy... I was just there this past weekend and had about 20!!

    Be safe brother!
  • Darrell Brown

    Hope all is well with you and the family. Look forward to seeing you in the future.
  • Jeff Clayton

    Thanks for clearing up some of the 'vindicator' issues. Here in Canada we use mostly fog nozzles, but I don't want to start that debate!
    I agree that we're not getting enough water on most fires with our current nozzle. We've been lucky, no one has ever got hurt due to a lack of GPM. But the day is can't keep increasing fire load in a residence and keep the same amount of GPM flowing that worked 40 years ago!
    Take care, thanks again.
  • Larry Lasich

    Mr. Allen,
    Is there a source for friction loss in various makers of 1.5 and 1.75 hose? I am trying to get real numbers for our discharges and crosslays. I don't have access to flow meters or in-line pressure gages and when I used a hydrant defuser attached to a Blitz fire, I got an unbelievable psi number