Brandon Krause


Colonia, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Mineral Wells, TX
Mineral Wells Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Firefighter, ARFF, Fire instructor, Fire officer, EMT-I
Topics you provide training for:
Engine Co. Ops, Truck Ops (some), Command strategies and tactics,EMS
Areas of expertise:
Working on that!
Im a 2nd generation FF and have grown up in the fire service and couldnt see myself doing anything else. I would love to see the fire service start to embrace the traditions of the past carry them on for the next generation.

Comment Wall:

  • Bill "Grits" MacGregor

    First I appologize for not commenting back sooner. UC is a great college the team of professors are top notch. I would recommend you goto the UC web site for price information, I'm sure it has changed since my enrollment prior to 2007. You can expect to learn some extensive fire related courses i.e. Fire Dynamics, Analytical Approach to Fire Service. You will be provided with course publications to purchase and contact via email, phone, or web based instruction as you progress through each course of study. A lot of reading, research, thinking, and writing are also a large part of the education. You can do it, I was married with 3 children, two jobs, church, and my wife working and I made it through the four year program in five and a half years with a degree and honors. So my advise would be; if its a degree you are looking to complete go for it and apply at UC.