Shanna Hanson

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Minneapolis Fire
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department

Comment Wall:

  • Shanna Hanson

    Take a short hiatus and go from #657 to being in the #3000 block. Great to see how the site is growing.

    No definitive word on that elevator extrication yet.
  • Sandy Lasa

    Hey Shanna,
    Not sure if you remember me, we met at FDIC. (Boston R1). Glad to see you on here. We started a Heavy Rescue Group, check it out. It was great talking to you, hope all is well in MN
  • Andy Fossum

    Shanna. Nice to see your back.
    Andy. HCMC Paramedic
  • Jim Rigstad

    Shanna have you worked with the MN national guard CERF-P team at all. We just had them at the REACT center for a three day validation exercise. Very interesting working with the military. They do have skills to bring to the table. Their command post is state of the art with plenty of staffing and the decon area they set up was very impressive.
  • Jim Rigstad

    Did your Team get deployed to Hugo? I understand a k-9 team from WI got sent.
  • Dan Walker

    Hi Shanna, How are things going up there. I was reading in the news that you guys are having a big vote this weekend for a mandate on sprinklers in residential homes, is it being well taken? or not?
  • Sandy Lasa

    Hey Shanna,
    How are you doing and How are thing in Minny? Catching a little bit of work lately. Watch I probably just jinxed myself.
    How about yourself, any cool happenings of Da ResQ
  • chris conforti

    Thanks Shanna, this will help me. Can I add you as a friend if I have any questions in the future.

  • Sandy Lasa

    Nothing major. Caught a few fires, we had been really quite so I'll take anything we get. Heading off to TEEX for the advanced structural collapse course, looking forward to that. I'll let you know how that goes
  • Dave Dodson

    Hope you are well....
    Was digging around here - I was wrong at FDIC - you were one of the first on the friends list! Several classes scheduled in MN. Coffee or Lunch?
  • Dave Dodson

    Sounds like you're staying busy.

    Teaching in the Alexandria area Oct 25 (flying through Minn before and after). In West Metro Jan 24. I'll reach out as time nears - safe travels to you!