Bob Shovald


Coeur d Alene Idaho

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Coeur d Alene Idaho
Coeur d Alene Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Growing pains. We are a large small department but also a small large department. This presents all kinds of unique situations.
Professional Qualifications:
Hazmat tech
Driver operator instructor
Topics you provide training for:
Driver operator
Engine company operations
Areas of expertise:
Engine company operations
Driver operator
Apparatus specifications
20 years service
Captain E322 - Station 3 / Coeur d Alene Fire Dept.

Comment Wall:

  • Nick Weiland

    Hey brother, thanks for your thoughts and time to reply. I actually made a few copies of your article a week before you had replied to me. (hope thats ok). But i thought it was very ironic. Anyway we actually use that break away system where i work, and I think it works out pretty good. I think I'm making slow progress here at the volly house. Thanks again, and we should def. keep the ideas flowing.

    Be Safe!
  • Rick Lasky

    Hi Bob,

    Sorry buddy we don't. Hey, great article in FE brother!!! Way to go!!

    Be safe.