Angela Little

39, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Grinnell Fire Department
Years of public service:
4 Years
Agency structure:
Combination fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Firefighter I & II
HAZ-MAT Operations
Confined Space Rescue Operations
EMT-B (PS Student)

Comment Wall:

  • Tim Zehnder

    How is it going nice to see ya here
  • Tim Zehnder

    How are things going? How was the race, I watched it on TV
  • Tim Zehnder

    Hows the summere going? have you guys been running wild
  • Dan Walker

    Where were you last night for Business mtg?
  • Tim Zehnder

    1st weekend in March I am sending a poster to Dan
  • Tim Zehnder

    Fire is the web site I have had very good luck with it
  • Tim Zehnder this is the link hope it works take care
  • Keith Weuve

    What this a Hawkeye shirt at Jack Trice. Do you know when Winter Fire School is? Have you heard of any other hands on training back home? Oh Cyclones RULE!!