Brian Dalrymple

51, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Richmond, Virginia
City of Richmond, VA Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Firefighter Survival, RIT, High Rise Procedures,
Professional Qualifications:
Provisional Swiftwater Instructor Rescue 3 International, RIT/Survival Instructor,
Topics you provide training for:
RIT/Firefighter Survival, Swiftwater Rescue
Areas of expertise:
Don't claim to be an expert in anything....Do claim to be a lifelong student of our profession.....

Comment Wall:

  • Dan Curia

    Hi Brian -- I hope all is well up your way too. Unfortunately, I'll be skipping Indy this year (too much to do here and no money!) Maybe we'll see each other in Baltimore in July. Take care.
  • Richard Ray

    Brian - I hope that you have a great time in Indy this year! Congratulations on your promotion!
  • Mark Gregory

    I carry a small halligan.Instead of the point end on my tool I have a locker puller. This way, I have the fulcrum capabilities of the adz and fork but, I add the lock puller to my inside teams options for entry. I can take a picture for you. Congrats on the promotion. Hopefully, we can get back down your neck of the woods soon. Keep in touch...
  • Mark Gregory

    Mine is about 24". I will measure on Monday.....
  • Mark Gregory

    Pretty much so. Some officers like to work, some don't.
    Any more buildings down there we can tear up?? That was a good time....