Ric Jorge

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Palm Beach County
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue
Years of public service:
19 years
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
How comfortable are our recliners . . . wtf . . . we are just like everyone else.
We have our problems, and we have our strong points.
Professional Qualifications:
Firefighter, MPO (CEVO Certified), Nationally Certified Instructor, State of Florida Certified Instructor, State of Florida certified Live Burn Instructor, my two year degree is taking 30 years to accomplish but I'm almost there . . . yes it's true I am also a medic . . . big sigh . . . I work for Mutual Aide Americas as an Instructor, and it has been my honor to have taught brothers and sister through out our great country and South America.
Topics you provide training for:
Strategy and Tactics, F/E, SAR, Room Orientation, Air Management, Firefighter Survival, hose management, ventilation, ladders, Eng/trck Op's disciplines
Areas of expertise:
Hurricane Windows, and Hurricane proof Garage Doors, ventilation, ladders, and force entry
Just another brother trying to make a difference
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Chris Johnson

    Hey Bro,

    Condolences on the loss of Lt. Vazquez. Thoughts with veryone involved.

    Hope to see you in NH this summer. Be safe!
  • JJ Cassetta

    Hey Ric, whats up. It was great seeing you this past week. Thanks for all of your help with the OFC. take care JJ
  • Rick Lasky

    Hey brother Ric,

    Glad to see ya here buddy. Hope all is well pal.

    Be safe,

  • Rick Lasky

    Hi Ric,

    Glad to hear all is well buddy.

    We will get together pal when I'm in Florida.

    Be safe brother!
