Mike Donovan

, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Bridgeport Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Labor relations
Professional Qualifications:
B.S. Accounting, Southern Ct. State University
State and Nationally certified Fire Service Instructor 1
Structural Collapse Technician
Ice Rescue Technician
Confined Space Rescue Technician
Topics you provide training for:
Live fire training
Aquired structure training
Safety and Survival
Rapid Intervention
Engine Company Operations
Search (private dwelling / large area)
Thermal imaging
10 years Bridgeport Fire Department

13 years volunteer firefighter, Branford Fire Department

Owner of Top Rung Training Associates, LLC.

Adjunct Instructor Connecticut State Fire Academy

Instructor for Middlesex and Fairfield County Fire Schools

Rescue Specialist Connecticut Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 1

IFSTA Validation Committee member;
Rescue manual,6th edition
Fireground Support Operations (truck book) 2nd edition


International Society of Fire Service Instructors


Connecticut Fire Department Instructors Association

Union Executive board member

Lead hands-on presenter Providence Firefighters Safety and Survival Conference 2006
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Ryan Dunn

    Whats up Mike how are things
  • Jim Duffy

    Hey Mike
    I agree this is no sbstitute for a backup line
    This is in addition to as another layer of safety
    see link for more info http://www.fireengineering.com/display_article/318403/25/none/none/BRNIS/Necessary,-Dangerous,-or-Both:-Live-Fire-Training-in-Acquired-Structure
    I will send a copy via e-mail also
  • Rich Thode

    You got me into this thing, so......
  • Rich Thode

    That's it....that's the best you can do!!!!