Step Up and LEAD

This group is a place for leaders in todays fire service to come and discuss "all things leadership"

Inspirational Leadership

Do not put negative, condescending individuals who happen to be in leadership positions in the same category as you would real leaders. Strong leaders are not interested in blaming and criticizing; they are busy inspiring others and leading their team through difficult times. Remember that as your own influence and areas of responsibility grow. The growth of power in your career should also come with the responsibility to help others grow.

What are your thoughts?

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    David Jones


    You are on the money.  Leaders are those trying to help others achieve success and be better at their jobs.  They are not the ones that are pointing out faults or emphasizing all the organizational deficiencies; they don't have time for that.  Leaders keep us safe, trained and situationally aware.  They don't even have to be in formal leadership positions to get this done.

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    Frank Viscuso

    Absolutely. Thanks for posting David.

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    Heath Smith

    Chief, I agree with you 100%. The overall issue in so called leaders is they have forgotten where they came from. These individuals didn't get to a leadership position without some form of mentor that assisted them along the way. It is a true leaders duty to this profession to pass along those inspirational messages. To me a strong leader is one who never forgets what it was like to be on the bottom looking up. In addition we hear people in leadership positions complain about the younger generation, and their lack of desire to work hard. In my opinion these younger generation guys are simply looking for guidance and if you as leader do not spend the time to let them know what you desire from them; how can you expect them to perform? Take the time if you are in a leadership position to cultivate the seed that has been planted in this younger generation firefighter. Water and fertilize their minds and you will get to see that firefighter grow into a great man both at home and on the job.