Tap The Box - FETC Services

Welcome to our Tap the Box with FETC Services Group. We have been doing Professional Development - Leadership Programs on Fire Engineering Blog Talk Radio. We would love to hear from you all.


  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood


  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Well I am glad to help you out with that Dee.... And I appreciate that you listened in too. I enjoy going on calls and helping people, but I really like the personal side of developing future leaders. We must be doing something right as we are throwing up crazy numbers for the total "archived" listens to the last show... the power of social media is incredible. I truly hope you are feeling ok and I look forward to meeting you one day in the near future. Take Care Bill


  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Debut Show of Tap the Box with FETC Services. This show was on Personality based Effective Communications. 




  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    How to Deal with Negativity in the Fire Service. Tap the Box with FETC Services.



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood



    Members of D-Shift (10 man shift) going to work on arrival with heavy fire from the 2nd floor unit. Stretched two lines to the rear stairs and pushed it out the front.

  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Another great show from FETC Services; Fire Engineering Blog Talk Radio - Episode #69 with host Lt. Billy Greenwood introduced Jack Rutledge; IFSI and former employee of Delta Airlines. On this episode, the two professional educators discussed CRM - Crew Resource Management and how human error factors can be reduced in the fire service. Check it out here:




    Take Care and Stay Safe Brother and Sisters.



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Tap the Box Welcomes Trevor Ashe to the Group.
  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Thanks for the recommendation Trevor.  We have done some Fire School Weekends in New Hampshire and Maine. We would love to visit VT. Our website has a better listing of classes and seminars available. Thanks for tuning in as well. Bill



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Thanks to all of the Tap the Box followers!  Episode #69 just hit 500 archived podcasts in less than one week. We are appreciative of the listeners and ask everyone to forward the link. We are trying to break last months 1,500.





  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    New Blogger Network Training Piece - blending the mindset of Fire Investigator and the Rescue Company. Hope you enjoy...



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    On the job tonight brothers and wanted to remind all that "Tap the Box" Radio Show is archived for all "Inspiring and current Fire Officers"


    Listen in on how to deal with Personality Conflicts, Personality Based Effective Communications, How to Deal with Negativity and the CRM Crew Resource Management.

  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Just checked the BTR stats and our last Episode, # 69 of "Tap the Box" just went over a 1000 podcast hits!  Thanks to our wonderful social media contacts and my recent students for sending out the e-Blast.  This month's show is coming soon and it is going to be a real good show.  Stay Safe, Billy


  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Welcome Chief Halton to the group - Tap the Box. we got a great show tonight that is a must "SEE and HEAR" event.  FRIDAY NIGHT 26 AUG 2011 - DON'T MISS TAP THE BOX.  EPISODE # 94.  "THE MAYDAY"




    Host Billy Greenwood of Fire Emergency Training Consultation Services (FETC) (www.fetcservices.com)  will introduce our special guest, Captain John Wright of the Flower Mound, Texas Fire Department. 

    Captain Wright; a 16 year veteran of the fire service, will speak freely on his personal experience(s) involving his mayday during the June 17th, 2011 fireground operation at 2609 Northview Court that resulted in burns. This was a 3,500 square foot, 2 story, wood frame single family dwelling with 3 car garage that he and his partner were caught in a bad way.  This month's Tap the Box  will be a definate eye opener for all firefighters, rapid intervention teams and mayday instructors. Learn about the physcological factors that helped or may have hindered in the Texas mayday. We will expose why RPDM - (rapid prime decision making) will help your firefighters be better prepared. Captain Wright will introduce the "Domino's Theory" as to how and why things happened. This is a definate "Must Hear and See" radio show brothers!


    Save the date, Friday Night August 26th, 2011, @ 1930hrs (EST) Internet listeners (a special note) You will get to see the show's visual aids, (Dwelling, PPE, SCBA, and Burn Injuries) from Captain Wright's website at:




  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Another great response to the last radio show. We are pushing 800 archive listens in two weeks. Many thanks to the Tap the Box followers. - Billy

  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Great Show Scheduled Tonight!  Listen into Billy Greenwood from FETC Services as they introduce you to Rich from Digital Combustion, as they speak about how you can prepare future officers with realistic command and control training.  Other guests include, Scott Brocklund from Earth Clean and they will discuss how TetraKO can help extinguish fires quicker with this new additive. Lastly the show will have Todd Downs from VP Racing Fuels on to speak about their new product SEF-94. This new ethanol free fuel is the solution to all of our ethanol problems in the fire rescue industry.


    Listen in, and please call in if you have a question for any of our guests. The caller line is 1-877-497-3973


    Listen to the show here:




    Take Care and Stay Safe Brothers...



  • Mike France

    Looking forward tonight , listening in .
  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Thanks Mike, well Tap the Box hit 500+ listens in a week. We want to thank all who listen to our shows. Please join our "Tap the Box" group and listen into our professional development radio series.

    Episode 116; Covered Command Offier Training / New Additive for Greater Extinguishing Capabilities and Dealing with the Ethanol Problems with our small engines and power equipment of todays fire service.




    Tap the Box with FETC Services



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Tap the Box - This month we are discussing the importance of wearing all of our PPE and SCBA during today's toxic fires.  We will discuss the PPE limitations and how can we be safer. Special guest Captain Steve McKenna will discuss his personal experience with being diagnosed with Cancer in 2009 and the battle to beat the disease. This is not a common or comfortable discussion that firefighters engage in... but host Billy Greenwood of Tap the Box brings it to the firefighters for the better of all. Please take a listen and learn.


  • Mike France

    Bill great show on 10/23 ,

  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Episode #155  - Emergency Responders Working in the Roadway.





  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Welcome Rick to the Tap The Box Group. Please feel free to listen in, enjoy the shows and drop us a note with some feedback. Thanks Billy



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Happy Holidays to everyone in FE Community. Thanks to all who were on BTR with FETC this week, we had a good show that covered fire behavior, fire dynamics and residential fire sprinklers. Tried to keep it educational and tie in fire prevention. Episode 172 - 



    Happy New Year / Be Safe.

    Billy Greenwood

    Tap the Box


  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    As another holiday season quickly approaches, we would like to say thank you for being a part of our lives. We truly enjoy being able to network and even assist the "emergency community" with some of the best products and fire training available.


    May you all have a very merry and safe holiday season. We will talk to you in 2012.


    Billy Greenwood  - "Tap The Box"


    William Greenwood

    FETC Services



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Healthy Firefighters at RISK - Take note The Journal of Vascular Medicine has published a report, April 2011 that firefighters who are exposed to 3 hours of physical work during firefighter activities have stiffer arteries and suffer from "cardiac fatigue".

    Incident Commanders take note that the "First In - Last to Leave" mentality may be shortening lives or even killing our young, healthy firefighters. Having enough manpower, rotating crews regularly and providing a good qaulity rehab program will assure long healthy careers.  For the full article and great read click here:



    Take care and stay safe,

    FETC "Tap the Box"


  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Tap The Box Radio Show. Wed 1/18/12 with Dave LeBlanc from the Backstep Firefighter - A View From the Front Seat.  We are going to discuss, are we training on the important things to firefighters or administration. Hope you can join us.



  • Mike France

    Another Great show , It's shame alot more do call in and talk to you. . Again It's nice that you Guys are out , As i said there are those that really need to hear these messages ..

  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Thanks Mike. Glad to hear you enjoyed the show and liked our guest, Dave LeBlanc. His Plan B message is spot on. Take care and stay safe, Bill

  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    You can catch the Tap the Box guys at FDIC 2012. We will be teaching "Interior Benchmarking" class on Thursday April 19th and will be "Live from Indy" for Fire Engineering's Blog Talk Radio on Friday!!!  We hope to see you all in Indy. 

  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Check out the Tap the Box Radio Show here:  FDIC Preview



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    TAP THE BOX - Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires. This is not just a rural issue, these types of emergencies are popping up everywhere. Rural, Surburbs, Urban, from Residential -Commercial - Industrial Hazards. Check out our May radio show here brothers. (with visual aid link)


  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Does your department have "Blinder Mentality"




  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Over 2200 podcast hits! Check out Tap the Box - Modular Construction Hazards




  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    Tap the Box - Be a Better Leader!!!!  FE Blog Talk Radio Episode #318



  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood

    We are looking forward to FDIC 2013.  Save the date as you won't want to miss it. FETC will be coming back to deliver our Interior Benchmarking Class.