Lifesaving Resources graduates 19 new Water Rescue Instructors

Lifesaving Resources ( graduated 19 new Water Rescue Instructors on Sunday, July 20 at the conclusion of their annual Water Rescue Train-the-Trainer Academy conducted at Keene State College in Keene, New Hampshire.

The 2008 Water Rescue Train-the-Trainer Academy was conducted from Thursday, July 17 through Sunday, July 20. The purpose of the Academy is to train representatives from Fire, Rescue, EMS, and Law Enforcement agencies throughout the country as Water Rescue Instructors and to authorize them to conduct Water Rescue and Swiftwater Rescue Awareness, Operations, and Technician level courses on behalf of their own departments and agencies.

Graduates included the following:

Curt Bittle, Captain
Winona Fire Department
Winona, Minnesota

Christopher Buchanan, Lieutenant
Lebanon Fire Department
Lebanon, New Hampshire

Nathan Clark, Firefighter/Paramedic
Marion Township Fire Department
Marion, Ohio

Ian Dewey, Firefighter/Paramedic
Lebanon Fire Department
Lebanon, New Hampshire

Edward Diepenbrock, Firefighter
Lincoln County Fire Protection District
Troy, Missouri

Matthew Fischer, Captain/Paramedic
Alton Fire Department
Alton, Illinois

Hunter Harlan, Firefighter/EMT
Rapid City Fire Department
Rapid City, South Dakota

Michael Lejeune, Jr., Lieutenant/EMT
Lincoln County Fire Protection District
Troy, Missouri

Steve Mueller, Firefighter
Lincoln County Fire Protection District
Troy, Missouri

Andrew O'Hearn, Captain
Everett Fire Department
Everett, Massachusetts

Gary Ostler, Firefighter
Everett Fire Department
Everett, Massachusetts

Guy Patterson, Sergeant
Cranford Police Department
Cranford, New Jersey

Terry Pemberton, Firefighter
NSA Crane Fire Department
Crane, Indiana

Michael Pennington, Firefighter
NSA Crane Fire Department
Crane, Indiana

David Polsky, Firefighter
Ashford Vol. Fire Department
Ashford, Connecticut

Brian Povandra, Firefighter
Rapid City Fire Department
Rapid City, South Dakota

David Pruitt, Lieutenant
Hillsboro Fire Rescue Department
Hillsboro, Texas

Christopher Schlecht, Firefighter/Paramedic
Marion Township Fire Department
Marion, Ohio

Mark Taylor, Sergeant
Franconia Police Department
Franconia, New Hampshire

Lifesaving Resources is dedicated to drowning and aquatic injury prevention and emergency management and develops and conducts training programs in Water Rescue, Ice Rescue, Swiftwater Rescue, Aquatics Safety, and Lifeguard training for the Public Safety and Rescue Sector, as well as the Lifeguard and Aquatic Recreation Sector.

During the winter, Lifesaving Resources offers a series of Ice Rescue Technician Courses as well as an annual Ice Rescue Train-the-Trainer Academy.