Ronnie Tocci

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Flower Mound, Texas
Dallas Fire Department
Fire Lieutenant
Years of public service:
Since 1985
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
EMS (and ALL of its related issues); budget constraints; and the loss of operational efficiency / knowledge (strategy & tactics) due to the retirement of many of our experienced officers and chiefs.
Professional Qualifications:
Southeastern Louisiana University:
- B.S. Management

Weatherford College:
- A.A.S. Fire Services Administration
- A.A.S. Fire Protection and Safety Technology

Texas Commission on Fire Protection:
- Master Firefighter
- Master Fire Investigator
- Master Instructor
- Fire Officer II

Texas Department of State Health Services:
- Licensed Paramedic

National Registry of EMTs:
- NREMT - Paramedic
I am married and have two daughters.

I grew up in Southeast Louisiana where I got my start in the fire service. I worked for the Mandeville Fire Department (St. Tammany Parish Fire Protection District No. 4) from 1992 until April of 2000 when I was hired by the Dallas Fire Department.

I've been with the Dallas Fire Department since 2000 and currently hold the rank of Fire Lieutenant. I hold several certifications through the Texas Commission on Fire Protection as well as licensure in Texas as a Paramedic and certification as a Paramedic through the National Registry of EMTs.

I also teach part-time at Weatherford College in both the Fire Services Administration and the Fire Protection and Safety Technology degree programs.
Web site:

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  • Michael Hughes

    Can I be your fwend?
  • Ronnie Tocci

    Norm just promoted to Deputy Chief. He went from LT to CA to BC to DC in a hurry.
  • Anthony Avillo

    Be safe
    Keep the brothers and sisters safe
    Pay attention