Jim Wick

77, Male

Chandler, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Chandler, Arizona
Chief (ret)
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Professional Qualifications:
BS Electrical Engineering, Grove City College '69
Areas of expertise:
Stuff I think you might like or could use.
Personal development/self help
Pumps & Hydraulics
Hazardous Materials
Industrial Readiness, Response & Recovery
Public - Private bridge building
Jim Wick in 1961 joined his hometown PA volunteer fire department, where his Grandfather was a 25 year Chief. Earning an engineering degree, he became a successful senior manager in 2 Fortune 100 companies (chemical and semi-conductor manufacturing), a career spanning 8 moves across 7 states (PA WV DE NJ TN OR AZ). He responded with 5 volunteer fire departments, 5 industrial fire departments, and 2 hazmat response teams; serving in all ranks, including Chief. A certified fire service instructor in 4 states, he taught in many more and presented on the main program at FDIC and IAFC conferences. Appointed by 5 Governors in 4 states, he contributed through many boards and commissions and was selected to chair the Oregon Governor’s Fire Service Policy Council. The National Safety Council recognized his life time achievements with the Distinguished Service to Safety Award in 2009. Author of over 4 dozen articles in fire and safety publications, his first was in 1971 in Fire Engineering, monthly 2020 to the present in the Pennsylvania Fireman. Jim, now retired, and his wife, Roberta, reside in Chandler, AZ. wick911@gmail.com

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