Bill Hartman


Oakdale, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Oakdale, PA
Bellevue Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Fire Fighter I and II
Fire Officer I
Fire Instructor I
Certified Haz-Mat Ops
PA Vehicle Rescue Tech
Rescue CORE and Vehicle and Machinery Certified
PA State Fire Instructor
I've been around the fire service my whole life. My dad and Grandfather belonged to the volunteer fire deptartment I started in. Started my career out in a medium sized combination fire dept. and worked there for six years until taken another job with a Haz-mat Contractor. I currently work part-time in Haz-mat and full time as a career lieutenant.

I love to train and train others in all fields of the fire service. I've been an instructor for six years and now that i'm doing this full time I can devote even more time to training.

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