le neouanic laurent

60, Male


French Southern Territories

Profile Information:

Lives in:
7 route de pen an hoat.Ploulec'h
cotes d'armor
Infirmier Principal responsable of Company LANNION 5 FIRE STATION'S
Years of public service:
26 ans
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
I live a department at the edge of the sea which is called COTES D'ARMOR

DEPARTMENT SEMI RURAL SEMI Seaside with particular risks related on the farms and the seamen circle
Professional Qualifications:
infirmier de bloc opératoire ,infirmier sapeur pompier volontaire
Topics you provide training for:
medical first aid support
Areas of expertise:
medical first aid support
collection of uniforms and helmets firemen of the whole world
i am a paramedic officer (infirmier sapeurs-pompiers) ,lieutenant, firemen voluntary responsible for a team of 10 paramedic's , of a company of 5 fire station.
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