Infirmier Principal responsable of Company LANNION 5 FIRE STATION'S
Years of public service:
26 ans
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
I live a department at the edge of the sea which is called COTES D'ARMOR
DEPARTMENT SEMI RURAL SEMI Seaside with particular risks related on the farms and the seamen circle
Professional Qualifications:
infirmier de bloc opératoire ,infirmier sapeur pompier volontaire
Topics you provide training for:
medical first aid support
Areas of expertise:
medical first aid support
collection of uniforms and helmets firemen of the whole world
i am a paramedic officer (infirmier sapeurs-pompiers) ,lieutenant, firemen voluntary responsible for a team of 10 paramedic's , of a company of 5 fire station.
le neouanic laurent

this is a Camion Citerne Grande Capacité (CCGC FOR WATER)Jan 3, 2009
le neouanic laurent

this is a Véhicule Léger Chef de Groupe (VLCG FOR OFFICER)Jan 3, 2009
le neouanic laurent

this is a Véhicule Léger Hors Route (VLHR) and Poste Médical Avancé (PMA)for medic's and paramédic's
Jan 3, 2009
le neouanic laurent

this is a Unité Pharmaceutique (UP) for pharmacy and oxygene (plan of desastear/catastrophe)Jan 3, 2009
le neouanic laurent

it's me , stage in fire departement in LOT (46 CAHORS)Jan 3, 2009
le neouanic laurent
Jan 3, 2009
le neouanic laurent

commémoration du DDAY 60e anniversaire 6 juin 2004Jan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

rescue at seaJan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

fire of moorsJan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

fire of moorsJan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

for trade F1 GALLETJan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

FOR TRADE OLD HELMET 1933Jan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

FOR TRADE CAPJan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

metal badges firemen for tradeJan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

sweater for tradeJan 4, 2009
le neouanic laurent

le neouanic laurent